Saturday, December 3, 2011

Why from Prophecy to Mystery?

At the core of this site was a fundamental need to understand the Bible (if I was going to base my life decisions around it, I wanted to understand it).  I have been reading and studying the Bible consistently for the last 30 years and many of those years were spent in utter confusion.  I read one verse in one part of the Bible, only to find another verse in another part of the Bible that seemed to contradict it.  Nothing made sense, I did Bible study after Bible study, book after book to no avail, I was still confused.  I knew there must be a secret to unlock the mystery of the Scriptures.  I knew the confusion was mine and not intended by God.  However, I asked many people, teachers, preachers, professors and they seemed at times just as confused as I was.  Now I am all about faith (if you keep reading you will find I am a BIG faith gal), however, at some point faith has to be met with truth.  I was seeking this truth, I was praying (along with Paul) for myself Ephesians 1:17, and eventually God had mercy on me and showed me "the wisdom and revelation so that I might know Him better."  I realized that picking verses, chapters or even books to study was not fruitful when it was not taken in context of the entire collection of Scripture.  I realized that when I understood my place in time relative to God's prophecy and mystery things in the Bible really fell into place.  This site attempts to show how you can understand God's Word, by including small Bible studies that will direct you on a specific path. 
This site is meant to not only be a devotional, but a Bible study.  That means that it would be very helpful to have your Bible open when you read and interact with the Scriptures by answering the questions that are posed.  Some have found it helpful to print the pages so they have time to study.   I will begin by including the verses I am using within the text, however, I plan to move away from this practice as time moves on.  Put your thinking cap on as you get ready to seriously interact with the Word of God!


  1. Looking forward to following this, Natalie! I always learn something when opening God's Word with you. :)

  2. Looking forward to studying with you!

  3. Hello guys, thanks for reading and joining. Friends are a wonderful thing!
