Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Contentment (part 3)

So as I see it, if you can picture this with me.  God should be at the center on the wheel, each other area of your life should branch off from there like spokes, all supported by our spiritual beliefs.  So can I have “me” time?  Of course, but is it focused on God?  Just recently I had to get away for a few days, much of my alone time was spent getting my attitude and my perspective corrected.  I was not living a very content life.  I was searching and striving for each next thing to make me happy.  God showed me during my “me” time just how good I had it and if my situation never changed I could be content knowing I was just where God wanted me.  When I got home, nothing really changed, except my attitude about my life and isn’t that everything? 

So if we could see our work, our entertainment, our family, our finances through a God first lens, how would that change things?  Ultimately our time and our resources all come from God in the first place, look at Colossians 1: 15-17, “He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation.  For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.  He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.”  Psalms 24:1 states, “The earth is the LORD’S, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it.”

If we saw all that we had as God’s would that change the way you used your time, energy, resources, relationships?  Would you spend so much time watching TV?  Would you change the way you treated your spouse?  Would you spend so much money on your car or your vacation?  If your job ultimately came from God, have you been honoring God with how you are working? 

Often as I analyze my own life I am sad to see that I spent 2 hours watching TV, 1 hour reading a novel and 2 minutes reading my Bible and praying.  I am equally as challenged to use my time for God.  As I close I want to look at the Definition of Stewardship and next week I will talk about what exactly we are to be Stewards of.  The definition of Stewardship out of the Webster’s New 20th Century Dictionary is: 1.  A person entrusted with the management of the house or estate of another; managing domestic affairs, servants, and finances  2.  One who acts as a supervisor or administrator, as of finances and property of another.

This is conveys the idea of the head servant of a manor, who takes care of all the master of the manor owns by delegating resources and time so the estate runs as it should.  If we picture the world as God’s, we are head servant over the things God has placed in our charge:  our job, family, marriage, free time, money.  Are you using these things for the betterment of His estate or are you selfishly using His resources to please yourself? 


  1. Ah yes, contentment. I struggle as a stay at home mom continually even after seven years. I struggle with my value and purpose. I forget my identity as a child of God and a steward of his children and how valuable it is. I find myself looking back when I was skinnier, more independent, and on a career path using my talents. I mourn that life as I wash another dish and deal with drama from a 4 and 7 year olds. But as you stated, I keep putting myself in the center of the wheel and not Christ. I judge myself by the worlds standards and not God's. I put to much pressure on my husband to validate me and all that I do for him and the family. My God needs to validate me and he cannot do that if I am not in his word and fellowshipping with him. So, I think I need to bask in his omnipotence, love, and renew my mind in his word and spend time in Thanksgiving. Thanks nat!

  2. Ditto, Amy!! Thanks for your words of wisdom, it is good to know there is someone out there who shares my perspective! Thank you for those words of encouragement....Thanksgiving...that is a good one!
